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Please note: This page is currently no longer relevant and existed when Wyngro was a actively run community for artists!

It exists as an old space you can visit, but no longer functions in the same way. Thank you for understanding.

How to Earn Wyns!

Table of Context:

| What are wyns? | Earning Wyns | Example | Profile Tracker

What are wyns?


Wyns are our tally system used for tracking your progress of drawing in Wyngro!  Think of wyns as milestones or tally marks. They never deplete or get spent! They exist per artist, so you can use them for every Wyngro you own! 

They are needed to obtain new upgrades for your wyngrew.

What are wyns?

You can see what wyn count is needed on the upgrades pages here! So basically, if you've earned this many wyns, you have enough for that upgrade!

How do I earn wyns?


Every time you upload a drawing to the Wyngro group on DeviantArt, you can count wyns for that drawing! 

Depending on what you draw, you'll earn different amounts per drawing. Here's how it works!

How to earn wyns





What defines a Sketch?


Sketches are often messy, quick lines that are meant to be lined over cleanly later. They also lack color. If you have a sketch or linework only, your picture fits in this category!

What defines as Colored?


Your picture has colors! This means your characters seen are fully colored, and not missing any. It's also good to make sure they look somewhat clean and "within the lines". 

What defines a Polished Piece?


Polished Pieces are fully finished scenes that include a background and shading. Please read our guide on Polished Pieces HERE before counting one!


You also get an additional wyn per character in your drawing!

So say you draw 5 gros... you'd get an extra 5 wyns! 

What qualifies as a character?

The following can be counted for a wyn so long as at least the face of the "living" character can be seen! 

  • Wyngro (Wynglings, Adults, Subspecies, etc.)

  • Pets (Runeboo, Coatala, Beebs, etc.)

  • Animals (Spoodles, puckoo, etc.)

  • Spites (Yittles, kindrin, etc.)

You can only add a max of 10 characters per deviation! (Regardless of how many characters are present) 

Please do not duplicate the same deviation on your profile tracker to add extra wyns!


Headshot vs. Bust:

Characters only count if they show at LEAST a bust!

Here's some tips on how to determine whether or not it counts under the "character" slot or not:

  • No floating heads

  • Facial features at least must be visible

  • If the face is obscured or cut off a little, it's okay

  • Ideally seeing a good portion of their body means it works

  • If you can't see hardly anything but the head, it shouldn't count for a character slot!


Let's look at an elaborate comic for example:


Each character here can be counted, since you can clearly see their necks and shoulders. It's okay that the ears are cut off a little.

These are redrawn from the poses of the previous panel, so they do NOT count!

The orange gro here just appears as a floating head and nothing else, so it does NOT count!

The blue gro in the corner however, can see his arm and fingers a bit, so it's more than just a head. 

Even though they overlap each other, it's clear that you can see most of each of these characters, so they all count for a character wyn!

Each one of these shows more than just the head, with arms being incorporated, so they count!

And this one is obviously a full body!

You can only count a total of 10 characters, so this example would easily rake in 10!

Profil Tracker

How to use the Wyn Tracker:
Step 1: Creating the tracker

You'll open this Google Sheet below:


<-- Click File on the Template, then "Make a copy".


<-- Delete the "Copy of" in the beginning, and edit USERNAME to reflect yours!

You will then be taken to a version of this Google Sheet you can edit!

Step 2: Enabling Access to your tracker


On the top left, find a green box with "SHARE" and click it.

A pop-up will come up. On the bottom, click "Change to anyone with the link"!

A new pop-up will appear, showing your new link.
Copy the link. This is what you'll put into your description!

Step 3: Linking your deviations


We'll use this deviation as an example:


 First copy the title, and input it into first column.

Then, grab the URL in your address bar of the deviation. Copy that link!
Use Ctrl+K to add the URL of that deviation!


Lastly, start filling out the rest of the form!


This is a colored picture, has 2 characters, and isn't for any Monthly Prompt. So your total will appear on the end! Add the date with CTRL+;


What's the MP/NT checkbox for?

MP stands for Monthly Prompt! There are 5 each month, ranging from using different art mediums, to drawing something related to Wyngro lore. You can choose to do one or all throughout the month! In order to see which Monthly Prompts you can do, check out front page, or our Discord!

NT stands for Nova Tree! Previously drawing images with the nova tree would earn you 5 extra wyns, however, this mechanic has been retired in favour of the Monthly Prompt Completionist mechanic. 

If your drawing qualifies for a Mothly Prompt during the month, you can click that box for an additional 5 wyns.  Complete them all and submit the form in the Discord server to get a bonus random beeb rolled!


What if I make an animation or a craft?

Animations are counted as static images. So if you draw a sketch of your gro running, it goes under Sketch. If it's colored, it would go under Color category. 

Crafts are always categorized under the Color category for simplicity. 

Crafts & Animations have their own folders in our Wyngro gallery, so you can add them there rather than the Sketches, Colored, or Polished Pieces gallery. It will help us find ones we like to spotlight them in our Monthly Showcase!


How to format the wyns on your descriptions:


Here's what your description should look like! 

The 3 represents how many wyns were earned on this picture. 

The 6 represents your total wyns reflecting the new amount.

Make sure to link your profile tracker in your descriptions as well! 

If you have MAX WYNS (1000), you do not need to link your tracker, just type "Max Wyns" on the bottom of your description so we know! 

That's all you need to know!


You did it! Now you are the MASTER at counting wyns! 


If you ever need help, please look for it in our Discord server, under the #Legality_Help channel! 

Other members and staff are happy to help you out, so don't hesitate to ask!

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