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Please note: This page is currently no longer relevant and existed when Wyngro was a actively run community for artists!

It exists as an old space you can visit, but no longer functions in the same way. Thank you for understanding.


Please follow all positions of each ear example as close as you can. While upright ears can droop down with certain expressions, (and vice versa with droopy ears) they should not be permanently displayed at a completely different position!


Naked Ears

Have you heard of the high elves?

Wyns needed: 60

Age Requirements: 2 Months



  • The inside of the ear must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.


Woodland Ears

Naked Ears really elfed up compared to these beauties.


Wyns needed: 300

Drawing Requirements:  The wyngro you want this upgrade for must have completed This Quest in order to apply these ears!


  • The wyngro you want this upgrade for must have had Naked Ears applied for 5 deviations before this upgrade can be applied.

  • The inside of the ear must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.

  • Tufts must be black.


Coatala Ears

Long furry ears are the best, man.


Wyns needed: 200

Age Requirements: 3 Months



  • The inside of the ear and the fluff must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.

  • The fur on the edges of the ears are optional.

  • The ridges on the insides of ears are also optional if you want a simpler look!


Spiked Ears

Give those ears some rugged ridges!


Wyns needed: 250

Age Requirements: 5 Months



  • The inside of the ear must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.


Peg Ears

Contrary to popular belief, these are NOT horns!


Wyns needed: 115

Drawing Requirements: 

Draw the Wyngro you want this upgrade for making friends with another official gro NOT owned by you! One they haven't met before!

Drawing Requirement must be a Colored Piece, or Polished Piece.



  • Wyngro friend cannot be an NPC!


Tutti Frutti Ears

Wop bop a loo bop a lop bam boom!


Wyns needed: 214

Drawing Requirements:

Draw the Wyngro you want this upgrade for eating or using an official Wyngro plant!

Drawing Requirement can be a Sketch, Colored Piece, or Polished Piece.



  • The inside of the ear must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.


Webbed Ears

Did your Wyngro always want to be a fish?


Wyns needed: 65

Age Requirements: 2 Months



  • Webbing must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.

  • The Webbing can be transparent, or solid!

  • Can have 3 or 4 ear points. 


Cub Ears

D'awww, they look like little baby lion or bear ears!


Wyns needed: 175

Age Requirements: 3 Months

Drawing Requirements:

Upload at least 8 traditional deviations of any Wyngro!

Drawing Requirement can be a Sketch, Colored Piece, or Polished Piece.



  • The inside of the ear must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.

  • Once unlocked, this upgrade is permanently unlocked for all your wyngrew!


Pudge Ears

Awww look at those pudgy floopy bat ear lookin' things!


Wyns needed: 120

Age Requirements: 2 Months

Drawing Requirements:

Make 3 animations of any wyngro!

Each animation must have at least 3 unique frames.

Drawing Requirement must be a Colored Piece, or Polished Piece.



  • The inside of the ear must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.

  • Once unlocked, this upgrade is permanently unlocked for all your wyngrew!

  • Pudge ears are very heavy, and can't be lifted or "perked up" any higher than what's shown on the example image!


Ribbon Ears

You could tie a bow with those ears!


Wyns needed: 290

Drawing Requirements: 

Draw the Wyngro you want this upgrade for giving a gift to a Wyngro not owned by you! Awww. I wonder what it is?

Drawing Requirement must be a Colored Piece, or Polished Piece.



  • These ears generally hang straight down, but can be raised upright when surprised!

  • The wyngro you're giving a gift to cannot be an NPC!


Prick Ears

Ears that curve into each other! 


Wyns needed: 230

Age Requirements: 5 Months



  • The inside of these ears must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.

  • These ears may or may not have fur! Your choice!


Tall Ears

True rabbit ears at last!

Wyns needed: 115

Age Requirements: 3 Months



  • The inside of these ears must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.


Folded Ears

I wear flip-flops.... on my head. What do YOU do?


Wyns needed: 85

Age Requirements: 5 Months

Drawing Requirements:

Draw the Wyngro you want this upgrade for "wrapped up" in something!

Drawing Requirement can be a Sketch, Colored Piece, or Polished Piece.



  • The inside of the ear must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.


Fuzzy Folded Ears

Look out, it's da fuzz!

Wyns needed: 220

Additional Requirements:

 The wyngro you want this upgrade for must have completed This Quest in order to apply these ears!


  • The wyngro you want this upgrade for must have had Folded Ears applied for 5 deviations before this upgrade can be applied.


Lop Ears

These ears will fulfill all your Hopes and Dreams....


Wyns needed: 140

Age Requirements: 3 Months

Drawing Requirements: 

Draw a Wyngro NPC at least once!

Drawing Requirement must be a Colored Piece, or Polished Piece.


Fuzzy Lop Ears

....and they caaaall it bella notteee~


Wyns needed: 464

Additional Requirements: 

The Wyngro you want this upgrade for must have been drawn with Lop Ears at least 5 times first!


Classic Ears

In a world gone plastic, baby you're so classic


Wyns needed: 177

Age Requirements: 6 Months

Drawing Requirements:

Draw the Wyngro you want this upgrade for interacting with their "past self" as a Wyngling! Let's see how much they've changed!

Examples: X X X

Drawing Requirement must be a Colored Piece, or Polished Piece.



  • Inner ear color must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.


Leaf Ears

Belief in me who beliefs in the leaf ears!

How to Obtain:

Occasionally available on July 19th.



  • Inner ear color must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.


Copter Ears

You could  fly away with these ears!

Disclaimer: Not a flying ear


Wyns needed: 340

Drawing Requirements: 

Animate the Wyngro you want this upgrade for spinning in a complete circle!

Drawing Requirement must be a Colored Piece, or Polished Piece.



  • This animation must be fullbody, colored, and be at least 12 unique frames!

  • Must be hand drawn animation.

  • Copter Ears have 3 nubs on them! (NO FLUFF!)


Kindle Ears

Somebunny loves you


Wyns needed: 690

Age Requirements: 3 Months

Drawing Requirements:

Draw the wyngro you want this upgrade for, dancing with a wyngro NOT owned by you! 

Drawing Requirement must be a Polished Piece.


  • The inside of these ears can be two colors or a single solid color! This can be the Base, Secondary, or Accent colors!

  • These ears normally sit in an upright position like the Tall Ears. (The half droop in the example is just to show the backside)


Gale Ears

Can you hear with all the colors of the wind?


Wyns needed: 500

Additional Requirements: The wyngro you want this upgrade for must have officially learned Intermediate Wind Magic!


  • The colors chosen must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.


Puddle Ears

There's something fish about them ears


Wyns needed: 500

Additional Requirements: The wyngro you want this upgrade for must have officially learned Intermediate Water Magic!



  • The colors chosen for this upgrade must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.

  • The nubs that the webbing sprouts from must be the same color as the head.

  • Webbing may be transparent or solid.


Flame Ears

Are your ears burning for some hot gossip?


Wyns needed: 500

Additional Requirements: The wyngro you want this upgrade for must have officially learned Intermediate Fire Magic!


  • The colors chosen for this upgrade must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.


Bloom Ears

What'cha say, bud?


Wyns needed: 500

Additional Requirements: The wyngro you want this upgrade for must have officially learned Intermediate Earth Magic!


  • The colors chosen for this upgrade must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.


Rogue Ears

You have a Proficiency Bonus of +5 in Dexterity.


Wyns needed: 630

Drawing Requirements:  The wyngro you want this upgrade for must have completed This Quest in order to apply these ears!


  • The inside of the ear must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.

  • Rogue Ears are always drooped and cannot  be lifted or "perked up" at all!


No Ears

Bald is beautiful.

Wyns needed: 50

Drawing Requirements: 

You must have at least 10 separate deviations of the wyngro you want this upgrade for!

Drawing Requirement can be a Sketch, Colored Piece, or Polished Piece.



  • You may draw a small "ear hole" or not with this upgrade, your choice!


Muffly Ears

Good morning, everyone! It's time for your daily announcement.

Wyns needed: 310

Additional Requirements: 

The wyngro you want this upgrade for must have completed This Quest in order to apply these ears!


  • Must have exactly three sections. No more, no less!

  • Must have sections from the face to back going longest to shortest. 


Fuzzy Ears

Fuzzy wuzzy was a foof. Fuzzy wuzzy had no proof. 


Wyns needed: 400

Additional Requirements: 

Craft the wyngro you want this upgrade for out of felt somehow! 


  • You must use at least two different colors of felt. 

  • Must be easily identifiable as the wyngro you're crafting!

  • Here are some examples of art you can make with felt! X X X (Note: must be a wyngro!)

  • The fuzzy portion of the Fuzzy Ears have very short fur, and must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.



Are you a switcher or a ditcher? Time to change things up! 

Wyns needed:  0

How to use the Switcher-Ditcher Upgrade: The Switcher-Ditcher upgrade is used when you want to either remove an upgrade entirely, or move it from its original position. In order to use this upgrade, follow the rules below:

  • You must have at least 5 deviations of this wyngro uploaded to the group with its current upgrade(s) clearly visible before applying a change. 

  • In your description, list that you are using this upgrade: Switcher-Ditcher, and then link 5 deviations where you can clearly see the upgrade you are removing or changing. 

  • This upgrade is the only way you can move markings around! Marking colors can change color as you move them around if need be, so long as they are base, secondary or accent colors that already exist on your wyngro.

  • Switcher-Ditcher can be used to replace one type of ear for a new one! (It can either remove things or replace them!)

  • If using the Switcher-Ditcher on more than one upgrade, your 5 deviations must show all of them clearly, and each one must be listed out. 

  • Downgrades are not compatible with this upgrade. See requirements for those separately. 

Drawing Requirement must be a Colored Piece, or Polished Piece.

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