Happy 3rd Anniversary!
Welcome to our 3rd year celebration as we've added some new upgrades and palettes to the maker below!
Feel free to play around and see if you find a gro you like enough to make for the 19th!
In order to make a wyngling (baby wyngro), you'll need to purchase a MYO Ticket from our Store or obtaining one through a gift or trading!
To learn more about how to join Wyngro, please click here to read our Newbie Guide!
If this is your first time making a Wyngro, please click here to see our MYO guide rules!
Once you've got a Ticket, you can start creating your wyngling below with the maker!
Please make sure you're on an actual computer and not your phone! We recommend Google Chrome as a browser if you're having issues.
Something not working? Right click within the maker itself and select "reload frame"!

All done? Generate your template!
Once you're all done, click the "Generate Template" button on the bottom and it will spit out a template for you to use!
Right-click the image and save as to your computer. Save it somewhere you remember, so you can reopen it in the art program of your choice!

Get it approved July 19th ONLY!
In order to make your anniversary wyngling official, make sure to submit it to our MYO journal during the 19th of July. This is a 24 hour window, with a timer for when it opens below. So we encourage you to get your desired MYO tickets [USED] by noting the group, and drawing your app so it's ready to be posted!
Need More Help?
Whew! That sure is a lot to take in! Need additional help getting your Wyngro approved?
Special Anniversary Channel
Click on the button above to join our server channel "ANNIVERSARY-PARTY", where you can post your art to see if it will be approved, and staff can even visually draw over your art to help show you what you need to do! Members love to help as well!
You won't be able to access the entire server until you have at least one Wyngro approved, but this channel will be able to help get you there!
To learn how to register for the Discord server, check out our Discord Guide here!
Question: Can I only make 1 MYO on the 19th?
Answer: You can make as many MYOs as you have open slots for! No restrictions! But please: Only one Wyngling per comment on the MYO Approval Journal!
Question: Can my wyngling have a special palette AND an upgrade?
Answer: Of course!
Question: What if my wyngling isn't approved by the end of the 19th/when the event timer runs out?
Answer: So long as your comment is on the MYO Approval Journal BEFORE the timer runs out and you have an open slot, you're fine! It will likely take us some time to process all the MYOs, so please be patient!
IMPORTANT: Get your MYO slots activated BEFORE the 19th!
You will still need an open MYO slot in order to participate!
We can’t guarantee any shop purchases will be able to be processed in time if you decide to make a last-minute purchase!
If unsure about your MYO Slot count, you’re always free to note the group and ask! And remember: Just purchasing a MYO Ticket does not automatically create a slot on your account! You have to directly ask for a Ticket to be turned into a Slot for it to function as such!
Other group functions (Purchased/Bred Approvals, Adult Approvals, Egg Rolling) will be closed on the 19th while we process the influx of MYO Approvals, and we thank you for your patience!